Upgrade Your Madison Home’s Prefabricated Chimney With Our Pros

There is a lot to love about a prefabricated chimney system: the quick and easy installation, the versatility, the sleek and modern design, and more. But what about when your prefab system stops performing the way it should? What are your options for repairs or even a replacement?

If you’re looking for prefabricated chimney services near Madison, WI, Hansen & Sons is the place to call. With over 71+ years of serving homeowners in our community, we’ve never met a problem we can’t solve. Whether your fireplace and chimney require a few repairs or it’s time to change out the unit altogether, Hansen & Sons has the experience, expertise, and tools to do it swiftly and efficiently.

Learn more about our team, the services we offer, and how we might be able to help you enjoy your hearth once again. Reach out online, or give us a call at 608-466-4185 to get started today.

Fireplace & Chimney Services » Prefab Fireplace/Chimney Repair & Replacement

What Is a Prefab Chimney?

As the name suggests, a prefabricated chimney (commonly known as a “prefab”) is a venting system designed and built off-site in a factory. Built in ready-to-install sections, these appliances are designed to be lightweight and easy to assemble, making their installation and setup generally shorter than their traditional masonry counterparts.

Though both types of chimneys serve the same purpose – carrying harmful byproducts and dangerous gases from your fireplace – they do so differently due to their construction. The most noticeable difference is in material composition and appearance: masonry chimneys are built from brick or stone on-site, whereas prefab chimneys are assembled and installed later in the construction process.

The more important difference, however, is in the various internal components and the materials used. The flue liner is a great example of this. Both units require a ventilation pathway to preserve structural integrity, system performance, and overall appliance health, but the materials used for the liner differ. A traditional brick chimney is usually built with a terracotta clay liner, but prefabricated structures require one formed from metal.

What Prefab Chimney Repair & Replacement Services Do You Provide?

We offer a ton of solutions if your prefab fireplace is damaged or simply no longer serving you in its current condition. Our team can help you achieve the following:

A Switch in Fuel Types: if you’ve been burning wood and have grown tired of the maintenance and upkeep required, perhaps now is the time to switch over to gas. Or, we can also help you get things squared away to convert from gas to wood. Maybe you’re interested in electric fireplaces; the bottom line is, regardless of your current fuel type, a prefab chimney changeout offers the perfect chance to make the switch.

A New Appliance in Place of the Old: while a well-maintained fireplace can last for decades, you might notice reduced heat and performance over time. If this sounds familiar, it could be time to invest in a new appliance. Modern options offer a range of fuel sources and customization features, allowing you to find the perfect match for your heating and design needs.

Increased System Efficiency and Heat Production: Open-facing fireplaces are often less efficient at generating radiant heat compared to their closed-off counterparts. If you want better heat output, consider zero clearance glass doors that not only improve your unit’s radiant heat output but bring a new look to your appliance, too. We also install high-quality Skamol refractory panels that will ensure all the heat created during combustion is retained in the firebox and not lost up the chimney.

A Fresh New Living Room Look: Sometimes, a change in aesthetics can revitalize your living space. Updating your fabricated fireplace and chimney can give your living room a fresh, modern look. With services like hearth changeouts, you can easily replace outdated styles, such as mid-century fake wood paneling, with something that better suits your current decor and stylistic preferences.

Our team can also replace your prefab venting components if necessary. For additional details on all this and more, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our pros. Reach us online, by filling out our appointment request form, or give us a call at 608-466-4185 to get started.

How Long Do Prefab Chimneys Last?

Despite their many similarities, one of the most significant differences between the two types of chimneys is their overall longevity. A well-constructed brick masonry chimney is designed to last a lifetime, whereas prefab fireplace systems typically need upgrades or replacements after 20-30 years.

Proper operation, regular care, and maintenance habits can extend the life of your appliance, but even with these measures, prefab chimneys will eventually deteriorate. That’s why it’s crucial to keep up with preventive services and stay aware of your chimney’s appearance and performance. Knowing how your chimney should look and function under normal conditions helps you recognize when something is wrong and it’s time to call in a professional.

Living room with a lit fireplace

What Maintenance Is Required for a Prefab Chimney?

Just like traditional masonry chimneys, prefabricated fireplaces and chimneys require regular, annual service to ensure they’re operating in the safest and most optimal conditions. Industry experts like the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommend homeowners have their systems inspected and cleared of any caked-on debris every year. It is the only way to ensure your hearth – and all its various components – are protected against the many dangers.

Did you know that the majority of chimney damage results from neglect and a lack of regular maintenance? Because of this, most homeowners’ insurance policies won’t cover prefab fireplace or chimney repair services unless the damage is proven to be caused by an unforeseen event, like a weather disaster. So, no matter the type of chimney you have or the fuel you burn, routine preventive services like sweepings and inspections are absolutely essential.

Bird nest on top of a beige chimney

How Do I Know if My Prefab Chimney Needs Repair?

While it is not always possible to know the extent of sustained damage to any chimney system, there are a few key signs to watch out for:

  • Deteriorated or Missing Components: Any cracks, crumbling siding material or bricks, rust, and other visible damage, or missing pieces are clear signs that spell danger.
  • Water Leaks: Dripping, water stains, or other water-related damage indicate a problem.
  • Poor Performance: If your fireplace or stove isn’t burning as efficiently as it used to, something is likely wrong with either your firebox or a component within your chimney.
  • Unusual Smells: Unpleasant odors coming from your chimney could signal a buildup of creosote or other debris.
  • Smoke Indoors: If smoke is entering your home instead of venting outside, your chimney might be blocked or damaged.
  • Animal Nests: Birds or other animals nesting in your chimney can cause blockages and damage.
  • Rust: Rust on the damper or firebox is a sign that moisture is getting into your chimney, which can lead to further deterioration the longer it lingers.

Hansen & Sons Offers Reliable Prefab Chimney Changeouts & Other Services

The good news is that no matter what malady your prefabricated chimney and fireplace system is suffering from, our team of CSIA-certified professionals can help. If you live in the greater Madison, WI area, Hansen & Sons Chimney & Fireplace is the place to call for all your chimney – both prefabricated and brick – needs. Book your appointment today by filling out our contact form or calling 608-466-4185.

Living room with fireplace

It’s important to trust any chimney repairs to trained and experienced professionals like the ones here at Hansen & Sons. We have seen it all in over 70 years of experience, so we know what it takes to do chimney relining right the first time!